Recitation Material
Recitation 0: 2.1-2.2 of notes
Recitation 1: 2.2-2.5 of notes
Recitation 2: Through chapter 3 of notes
Recitation 3: 4.2 - 4.7 of notes
Recitation 4: 4.8 - 6.5 of notes
Recitation 6: Chapter 7.2-7.6
Recitation 7: More exponentials (defective matrices and complex eigenvalues)
Recitation 8: 8.1 - 8.2
Recitation 9: Pre-recitation 8.3-8.8 Notes, 8.9 Notes, Recitation Notes
Recitation 10: 8.5 and 8.9
Recitation 11: 8.7-8.9 + Intro to 9
Recitation 12: Chapter 9.1 - 9.5
Recitation 13: Chapter 9.5-9.10 ***ERRORS: Page 6, "pure imaginary" -> center/spiral point, stability indeterminate; "complex, real part neg" should be the same. Page 2: Matrix A bottom left entry should be "0" instead of "1"
Recitation 14: Chapter 6.3 (Linear Transformations Revisited)
Recitation 15: Midterm 3 Review